Mt. Mica
Another avid Digger at Mt. Mica

Palermo Mine
A Digger turned up a nice stash of Heterosite/Purpurite at the Palermo Mine.

Mt Apatite
Mt Apatite. I love that most of those people didn't know each other before that morning. Everybody is so friendly and helpful, delighted to show off their finds and newbies are well looked-after. :)
Hayes Ledge
A lot of these quarries are on mountaintops, with VIEWS. Hayes Ledge.

One of our Diggers found this huge Smoky Quartz crystal at Havey last year.

Mt. Apatite
This is a picture of The Hole in The Ground Quarry, part of the Mt. Apatite West complex.

A find from the Pitts and Tenney Prospect in Minot, from last year.

Mt Mica
Digging in the dumps of Mt. Mica.

Mt. Mica
Muscovite edged with sparkling Lepidolite crystals, found in a hole at the Mt. Mica Mine.